• Let us know if you are donating on behalf of someone.

The Slightams would be honored to accept donations to the Low Water Bridge Foundation and build a giving legacy within the Stewartville community to help new businesses startup, survive and thrive.  Your gift can make a difference in your own community.

All gifts to the Low Water Bridge Foundation are tax deductible and 100% of all proceeds will be used toward gifting.

Donor Advised Funds

A Donor Advised Fund is an easy and effective way of giving. For individuals and families seeking active involvement in philanthropy, a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a great option. Through your Donor Advised Fund, you can make specific recommendations for grants to nonprofit organizations. You can get a tax-deduction in the year you establish your DAF, then make distributions to the charitable organizations you want to support at your own pace.

For more information about Donor Advised Funds, contact the Stewartville Area Community Foundation or the Rochester Area Foundation.

The Low Water Bridge Foundation was established in 2017 by Tom and Sue Slightam to assist selected local entrepreneurs with a monetary gift to off set costs in the startup phase of their new business and to encourage new business in the Stewartville area.